Working hard legislatively to help and support all New York State public service retirees
The Alliance of Public Retiree Organizations of New York is the most experienced, diversified, state wide organization that was ever formed solely to represent New York State public retirees. One of our most memorable and proudest achievements in the Alliance history is when then President Edward Curran worked tirelessly and directly alongside then New York State Comptroller H. Carl McCall to successfully lobby for and achieve in getting the retirees COLA bill passed and signed into law for all New York State public service retirees. What an accomplishment this was for all New York State public service retirees, who to this day derive financial benefits from our pension COLA.

We support all military veterans
The Alliance considers this as our most important bill, that is near and dear to the hearts of all military veterans and their families and is aptly named: " FORGOTTEN VETERAN'S BILL ". This long overdue bill, when finally passed and signed into law, will finally and properly Honor and acknowledge all the forgotten military veterans who have honorably served our country and New York State from all wars and conflicts ! We owe these fine, brave military veterans the respect, recognition and appreciation for their military service, sacrifices and injuries of which so many bear the lifetime scars of these injuries sustained fighting, to protect our freedom, for the rest of their lives. These military veterans deserve nothing less than our best efforts on their behalf by getting this bill passed and signed into law immediately ! We owe this much to our dedicated military heroes.